The Vital Cycles of Digestion, Assimilation, and Elimination
Toxic to Thriving
Maintaining good health is not just about what you eat but also how your body processes food and then releases and eliminates toxins from the body. Just as the sun and the moon follow regular cycles, our digestive system's rhythm is crucial to our overall well-being. This article will explore the essential digestion, assimilation, and elimination cycles and why maintaining each is crucial.
The Digestive System: Akin to a Washing Machine
To understand the digestive process better, think of it as a washing machine with three major types of clothes – heavy-duty cotton, permanent press, and delicates. Similarly, food can be categorized into three major groups: proteins, carbohydrates, and fruits.
Now, let's break down the cycles within each of those for both the washing machine and our digestive system:
1. Fill and Wash (Digestion):
When you eat a meal, your body's energy shifts towards breaking down the food in your stomach.
2. Rinse (Assimilation):
After digestion, your body redirects its energy towards using the nutrients from the food for energy and repairing and building every cell in your body.
3. Spin (Elimination):
Once assimilation is complete, your body's energy focuses on eliminating waste byproducts.
Why is it important to complete each cycle?
The Importance of Completing Each Cycle
Skipping or shortening any of the cycles in a washing machine results in less clean clothes; the same principle applies to your body's three cycles.
Eating before your body assimilates or eliminates your last meal disrupts this natural process.
When introducing new food to your digestive tract before the previous meal has been completely processed, your body reallocates its energy from completing the last cycle to dealing with the new food. As a result, the residue of the old food is left in the gut, where bacteria, yeast, and fungi take over. The unnecessary production of harmful waste byproducts in your body begins.
It's vital to allow your body to finish one digestive cycle before starting another. This practice promotes efficient digestion and minimizes the risk of harmful waste buildup in your system.
Just as the sun and moon follow their cycles to maintain the order of the natural world, our bodies have their digestion, assimilation, and elimination cycles. Adhering to these cycles is essential for ensuring optimal health. By allowing your body to complete each cycle before introducing new food, you can support its natural processes and help keep harmful waste byproducts at bay.
How do you maintain proper digestion cycles for optimal health? I thought you'd never ask! Intermittent fasting is the best way to harmonize your body's natural cycles. Intermittent fasting involves scheduled eating and fasting periods, which align with your body's digestive, assimilation, and elimination cycles. By incorporating intermittent fasting into your lifestyle, you can enhance the efficiency of these vital cycles. Learn more about intermittent fasting and the best eating schedule in this article.
Happy cycling,
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